
Chinese Christmas: My Annual Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

I apologize for the lateness in this letter and hope you'll forgive me.  As your elf intelligence agency probably has already informed you, my family and I were traveling during most of the month of December and haven't yet been able to celebrate our own family Christmas.  I hope this year you will please oblige in in our late celebration of Christmas and bring our presents sometime this next week.  We're calling the celebration "Chinese Christmas" since it's coming before the only new year celebration that follows it:

Anyway, I know that by now you're probably soaking in the jacuzzi still after bringing joy to all the world, but if you don't mind stopping by for our celebration, I'd appreciate it.

How is the missus?  After hundreds of years of marriage, have you guys figured out how to get along in all aspects? That would be some good knowledge to pass along if you've got some.  Even though I've been married for almost four years, I'm still learning how to be a husband.  Some days I feel like I've got a long way to go.

Here are my demands Christmas wishes for this year, in no order of importance:

If you could continue sending good antibodies our way this next year, it would be greatly appreciated.  Compared to the previous year, our health this year was spectacular.  It probably helped that we had two walls in our apartment replaced that had been destroyed by water damage (and likely mold) as well as having the air vents cleaned.  It has been nice to have our kids not be coughing all the time and, although they are kids and are prone to sickness, they have been much happier this year.

Additionally, if you could send some good health and cheer to all our family out there, that would be great.  Both mine and Sarah's parents are continually feeling the ticking of Father Time's clock and we would love to have them enjoy some good health this year.  Our kids are still young enough that they might not be forming long lasting memories yet and I would like them to remember their grandparents.  I was very young when my Grandma Reynolds passed away and I am always wishing that I could have been old enough to remember her.  She loved children and I would have liked to remember that.

If it's at all possible that you could stop Michael Bay from making any more movies, I'm sure many people would appreciate it.

Also if have any ins within the aerospace community where they need engineering visualization done, I would appreciate knowing about them.  I've been very fortunate in my current job to be involved in some high-profile concepts here at NASA and to work with some brilliant people.  However, with only one annually renewed contract keeping me employed, I constantly am wondering when it will feel like I have a career path to follow.  It gets a little old when the summer rolls around and I get to wonder whether or not I will be able to go to work on October 1st.  Some work outside of government entities would be nice, but I'd take any additional contracts at this point.

If you have any room in your sack for any vacations, that would be splendid.  This past year we had our first real "vacation" as a little family when we spent time with some good friends of ours in Destin, Florida.  It was one of the nicest times I've had in a while with my family.  The venue was great, the company was better, and I have lots of fond memories of that experience.  I've realized that I don't really have many desires for "stuff" anymore and that good memories with my kids are what I cherish the most.  Hopefully we'll get a chance to spend some quality time somewhere here in the future.

I honestly don't think there's much else that I could ask for right now, except maybe to spread out that feeling that we feel at Christmas a little longer.  I didn't mind delaying Christmas this year, honestly, because that meant that we could enjoy the spirit of the season a bit longer.  Heaven knows that the world needs more of that feeling.  Maybe I'll just keep delaying Christmas in the Reynolds home further and further until we have that feeling all the year round.

Just as a reminder, the fireplace is wired shut to keep the kids out of it.  I don't know why we have one in Texas, but just remember that when you arrive.  Maybe use some sort of quantum teleportation device or something.  That chimney is pretty gross.  I'll try to leave some good treats out for you on Chinese Christmas Eve.  Do you accept fortune cookies?

Hope you had a good regular Christmas.  See you soon!


-Brad Reynolds

P.S. I don't know if you remember my request from last year, but if you have any room in your sack for a 300 foot tall jaeger fighting robot, I could use one to take care of some of the cockroaches here.


P.P.S. Actually if you have a TARDIS, I wouldn't mind one of those either.

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