
ANIM 619: A look back

Hang on there, folks! Sorry to disappoint, but this post is not, unfortunately, related to the Street Runner. I was planning on putting this short video somewhere along the way in my Demo Reel DVD, but we'll see. Just wanted to show the compilation of all the important projects I worked on last semester. We'll see how this next semester goes.

P.S. After only 27 hours of rendering, the second half of the Street Runner animation is only 33% done... Oy veh!


Elder Max and Sister Pat said...

I like the difference it makes when music is added to the video. I can't imagine movies before they had sound.

Brad said...

Before they had sound, they had a piano or organ... try having that job!

Elder Max and Sister Pat said...

I even remember where the piano would have been in the old Carol Theater, but did they have that from the very beginning?
Did you try to match the music to the movement or was it just luck?

Brad said...

If you visit the following link (copy and paste it into your browser bar) you'll see one of the first silent films, "The Great Train Robbery":


I imagine someone recorded the piano score of that and put it with the visuals later, but it probably would have been played along side the film, trying to keep up with what was going on on the screen.

And, no, I didn't choreograph this clip. I just picked a short Jazz jingle from my sound library that was about the right length.

sean said...
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sean said...

You have the patience I never had. Next time I am sanding and feeling sorry for myself I will think of you.
sean favero