Preproduction: Concepts Part III
So far I haven't gotten enthusiastic feedback on my thesis concepts, but that is mainly because I am blowing the work way out of scope. ...
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Ecorchè: Refining the Skull
This is turning out to be one of my favorite classes, mainly because it is an exercise in learning, not in creating some beautiful piece of ...
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Organic Modeling: Blocking in the Head
This week we had a chance to go in and refine the features of the head in preparation for bringing the model into ZBrush. There are still a...
Hades & Poseidon: Two Greek Gods
Here are two more renderings that I banged out this weekend for fun. I've been in the mood to try and determine what these spheres migh...
Thesis Concepts: Part 2
Here are some more story ideas I had to try and derive a thesis project from. Apparently I have spent too much time devoted to trying to te...
Organic modeling: Blocking in Part 2
Our organic modeling is coming along as well. This week we started to do a little bit of detail work with our digital model, creating the f...
Ecorchè: Blocking In
I am really starting to like this class, but don't ask me why. I've been learning all about anatomy and how things are shaped in th...
Hydra: A Daedelus Evolution
Here's another image that got stuck in my head after creating the Daedelus Spheres render. This took a few hours to put together, then ...
Daedelus: A Sunday Afternoon Rendering
Every once in a while I get a 3D image stuck in my head that just needs to come out. Such was the case yesterday when this appeared in my h...
Preproduction: Concepts
The third class I am taking is a class on preproduction. Preproduction is an important part of the pipeline in making films, video games, a...
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